Laptop LCD is one of the laptop component are quite expensive price in the event replacement due to damage. Damage to the laptop LCD is indeed caused by many factors,could be due to inherited factors from the factory or the use of human factors in the treatment and how to care for the laptop's own LCD
Based on experience damage because laptop by VGA LCD module is less good in quality. VGA module is ccmposed by the VGA chipset,flexible cables,flexible connector to the mainboard and on inverter. this is a laptop LCD damage caused by congenital factors from the factory of manufacture
Another factor causing damage to the laptop LCD is due to the use and how to care for the less correct laptop LCD. Laptop are not the same as a desktop PC more powerful and lasting when we turn it on all day. The longer the laptop is turned on will cause excessive heat inside the laptop itself althought there has been cooling fasilities inside the laptop itself.This is caused by on empty space that is narrower when compared with ordinary desktop PC. Heat on a laptop is what causes damage to the laptop,which one of them is faulty laptops LCDs
How To Care For LCD lets laptops durable and long lasting??
a. Clean the LCD laptop periodically by using special LCD cleaning fluid the laptop.
b. Do not use the laptop more than 3 consecutive hours,turn off about 10 minutes,then you could revive the laptop you.
c. For use in time coolingpad longer use the namely the quality coolingpad using the adapter itself,instead of taking from the USB the laptop.
d. Use the contras and brightness being on the LCD settings the laptop.
e. Adjust the time off when the laptop LCD not used in the power menu option windows.
f. Opening and closing the laptop LCD correctly with holding it from both sides either side,not from above,because at the top of the existing block who vulnerable to damage.
Similarly,articles about how to care for laptop LCD let durable and long lasting.
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