
OffPage Base Seo OptimizationTrick

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Friday, September 30, 2011

Seo optimization offpage can start by regis tering your blog or website to multiple search engines and web directories. One off the basic trick OffPage Seo optimization is to ping. Ping is a service where the search engines know the existence and publish a website or blog.

Ping done periodically to add Offpage seo optimization. There are hundreads of spreader ping addresses on the internet,here is one of the most easy to use with and

Following steps to ping the
1. Open page
2. Please fill with complete identity of a website or blog to get the column started
3. Scroll down,you can choose the option spreader address ping your own. When finished click go pingoat. As show in the picture below.


Actually the more we do to hundread of search engine registration,the the result obtained will be the maximum. It is undeniable that almost 60% of internet users use google as a reference in looking for information. At least the website is registered to a search engine google.

The following is also the basic trick with ping Offpage optimization seo google property,which in a sense much faster in the indexed search. Please go to this address

Cara Memasang Adsense Di Blog Bahasa Indonesia

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Thursday, September 29, 2011

Setelah kemarin aku posting Cara mudah di approve google adsense,sekarang kelanjutannya bagaimana cara memasang adsense di blog bahasa indonesia. Mungkin anda bertanya apa akun adsense tidak di banned kalo di pasang di blog bahasa indonesia? Jawabnya tidak karena sampai saat ini akun adsense saya alhamdulillah baik baik saja.

Baiklah berikut langkah langkah cara memasang adsense di blog bahasa indonesia :

1. Silakan masuk ke alamat google freind connect kemudian login dengan email yang terkait dengan adsense.

2. Setelah login lihat sebelah kiri klik

Tambahkan Situs

3. Kemudian muncul halaman baru Ceritakan Web situs anda termasuk
- nama situs : isi judul blog
- URL situs : isi alamat blog
- pilih bahasa indonesia
Kemudian klik lanjutan

4. Setelah itu lihat sebelah kiri klik


, kemudian akan muncul seperti di bawah ini

5. -Kaitkan akun adsense dengan email yang terkait adsense tadi.
- konfigurasikan unit adsense pilih ukuran iklan yang akan dipasang di blog bahasa indonesia
- Buat kode HTML salin dan tempelkan ke blog anda..kemudia selesai

Cukup sekian artikel ini cara memasang adsense di blog bahasa indonesia semoga dapat membantu anda.

Kindle Fire Amazon

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on

Berita terbaru dari raksasa amazon membeberkan tablet PC yang mampu bersaing dengan iPad dan tablet PC berbasis android lainnya. Tablet PC berukuran 7 inch ini dinamakan kindle fire amazon yang bisa mengakses berbagai macam konten amazon.

Produk amazon kindle fire ini juga dapat mengaksek aplikasi android yang dapat di download melalui amazon android appstore,yang menyediakan berbagai macam game game populer dan aplikasi aplikasi lainnya

internet marketing
Berikut sedikit fitur dari Kindle Fire Amazon :

= Layar 7 inch resolusi 1024x600,Gorilla Glass,169 pixel per inch
= Procecor Dual Core
= Storage Internal Memory 8GB
= Tahan lama Baterai 8 jam
= Micro USB
= Adobe Flash
= Wifi
= Bluetooth

Bagaimana tertarik dengan fitur kindle fire amazon di atas,ingin membeli atau sekedar melihat lihat kindle fire ini. Silakan pergi ke amazon untuk mengetahui spesifikasi dan harga atau cari saja di blog ini linknya.

Kaspersky Internet Security

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on

Internet adalah sumber dari segala informasi dan alat yang paling berguna yang pernah di ciptakan. Dengan internet juga orang mampu berkomunikasi melalui apa saja,disamping itu internet juga digunakan untuk melakukan bisnis online yang menguntungkan bagi kita.

Bicara tentang bisnis,anda harus berhati hati melakukan bisnis dan pembelian secara online yang meninggalkan data pribadi dan informasi keuangan dari komputer anda. Sekarang banyak orang orang tahu bagaimana mengembangkan program komputer secara ilegal yaitu hacker. Akan sangat berbahaya jika komputer tidak mempunyai security internet yang rawan untuk dicuri dan dapat merugikan anda.

internet security
Maka dari itu perlunya internet security terutama anda yang sering menggunakan internet dalam bisnis atau pembelian secara online. Yang dibutuhkan adalah sebuah program salah satunya kaspresky internet security,yang dapat melindungi komputer anda.

Kaspersky internet security adalah program yang sangat efektif yang mampu mendeteksi dan mencegah progaram berbahaya yang masvk ke komputer anda. Beriku beberapa fitur utama dari kaspersky yang perlu dimiliki komputer :

* Perlindungan dari semua ancaman internet firewall
* Software Anti virus yang efektif
* Dukungan teknik gratis
* Perlindungan dari serangan jaringan dan spam
* Software rollback yang memblokir pop up

Itulah beberapa hal mengapa perlunya kaspersky inernet security untuk di instal di komputer anda. Jadi pertimbangkan sebelum menginstal program lain vntuk melindungi komputer anda.

Dibawah ini link downloadnya

Cara Mudah Di Approve Google Adsense

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hallo Ketemu lagi sama saya,di hari ini aku akan bagikan buat kalian artikel yang mungkin bisa bermanfaat dan kalian bisa mencobanya,semoga saja kalian beruntung.

Oke langsung saja,siapa yang tidak kenal google adsense semua pasti sudah mendengar advertiser paling populer di dunia internet. Aku akan bagikan buat kalian yaitu cara mudah di approve google adsense dalam waktu 2-3 hari.

Berikut langkah langkah biar di approve google adsense :

- Pertama siapkan email baru jangan email yang pernah buat daftar google adsense,bila sudah punya pergi ke alamat ini flixya

- Kemudian klik Register atau Sign up,isi data data kalian dengan benar termasuk Email baru tadi

- Jika sudah berhasil,buka email kalian buat konfirmasi pendaftaran tadi.

- Login dengan username dan pasword kalian,kemudian kalian silakan upload foto,share video,ngeblog juga bisa sampai dapat 10,kalau aku sih share video 6 terus upload artikel 4.

- Setelah dapat 10,klik monetize disitu kalian akan ditawari sama flixya kalau bahasa indonesianya seperti ini apakah kalian ingin daftar google adsense,kemudian klik sign up for adsense.

- Isikan Email baru tadi Kemudian kalian buka lagi email untuk konfirmasi dan kalian akan disodori form pendaftaran adsense, isikan alamat sesuai KTP

- Setelah selesai kita nunggu sampai 2-3 hari untuk disetujui,sebaiknya sambil nunggu kalian share video atau upload artikel,foto seperti biasanya.

Sekian artikel ini bila kalian belum mengerti atau bingung tentang cara mudah di approve google adsense ini silakan pegang pohon yang besar biar tidak bingung...hahahaha..silakan komen saja atau contact saya saja atau mau saya buatkan akun adsensenya..hehehe..

Trik Dasar Optimasi Seo OnPage

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mungkin kalian udah mengenal tentang Seo yang pada dasarnya teknik seo di bagi menjadi dua yaitu OnPage dan OffPage. OnPage dilakukan dengan cara mengatur dari dalam blog,seperti memaksimalkan keyword dan deskripsi agar mudah di cari mesin pencari. Sedangkan OffPage adalah memanfaatkan ruang di blog,misalnya berbagi link/banner.


Artikel kali ini membahas tentang trik dasar
optimasi seo OnPage berikut trik dasarnya:

1. Menata meta HTML,seperti membuat korelasi yang tepat antara keyword ,deskripsi,dan konten.

2. Memperhatikan judul artikel tiap kali posting artikel. Judul sangat berpengaruh dalam pencarian.

3. Memperhatikan tiap kata dalam artikel,pada isi artikel bisa melakukan optimasi seo onpage dengan memperbanyak kata kata yang mendekati atau sama dengan keyword yang kalian miliki.

4. Usahakan kalimat pertama ato alenia pertama mencakup keyword dan deskripsi blog.

5. Memberikan kode unik misal

kata kata yang mengandung keyword

6. Memberikan keyword pada tag link. Penggunaan tag link akan lebih optimal jika menggunakan tag HTML.

7. Memasukkan keyword pada gambar setiap kali memposting sebuah gambar. Sebaiknya kalian taruh keyword di antara tanda ('' '')setelah teks alt.

Sebernarnya masih banyak trik dasar optimasi OnPage dengan cara memanfaatkan situs situs, cukup itu saja yang aku tulis cz capek nie tangan

Elemen Pendukung Seo

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Sunday, September 25, 2011

Akhirnya aku putuskan juga bahwa blog ini akan aku overtake ke bahasa indonesia,habis susah banget menulis bahasa inggris yang hanya mengandalkan google translate.

Dan untuk mengawali postingan bahasa indonesia ini,aku tulis artikel yaitu elemen pendukung seo bisa disebut juga dengan Search Engine Optimization. Seo adalah salah satu strategi website menjadi urutan teratas di mesin pencari ,walavpun aku bukan ahli seo tapi tidak ada salahnya berbagi pengetahuan tentan seo.

Di bawah ini adalah beberapa elemen pendukung seo yang perlu di perhatikan :

1. Nama domain
Cara kerja search engine adalah mencari keyword yang di masukkan,kemudian menyesuaikan antara keyword dan nama domain dari website . Jadi usahakan memakai nama domain mencakup materi yang ada pada website. Kalau sudah terlanjur mau apa lagi seperti blog aku ini masih menggunakan nama blogspot.

2. Judul
Judul sangat berpengaruh dalam website,ini termasuk elemen pendukung seo juga. Singkatnya usahakan judul website dan artikel saling berkaitan antara keyword dan deskripsi dari isi website

3. Meta Keyword
Meta keyword sama pentingnya dengan judul website,alangkah baiknya memakai meta keyword. Sekarang banyak template keren keren yang menyediakan meta keyword dan meta deskripsi tinggal masukin saja keyword kalian.

4. Deskripsi
Seperti nomer 3 tadi yaitu meta deskripsi,ini tak kalah pentin dengan meta keyword. Kedua meta ini menurut webmaster mbah google harus di tempatkan di website agar mesin pencari mampu menemukan website.

5. Konten /isi
Dalam konten sebuah website sebaiknya mencantumkan atau memberikan korelasi antara isi posting setiap artikel dengan keyword. Jadi usahakan konsisten dan memperhatikan keyword,judul,deskripsi website dan elemen pendukung seo yang lainnya.

6. Sitemap
Sitemap adalah sebuah peta dari seluruh isi blog. Dengan sitemap ini website akan semakin mudah untuk di kenali oleh mesin pencari,jadi segera beritahu ke mesin pencari seperti google peta situs kalian.

Itulah sedikit gambaran tentang elemen pendukung seo yang aku ketahui,dan akhir kata Semoga Bermanfaat.

Here's Why Paying For Your Traffic is a Smart Move

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Thursday, September 22, 2011

There are so many success stories you will hear about businesses making it good in the internet. The following thing is,there are may be a tenfold or even a hundread fold stories contracdictory to their. Many have unsuccesfully launched a business enterprise that is internet based but only a hand ful shall succed.

Is the through luck?that is eveo more remote. It takes good business sense a lot of help and team effort. Most importantly,it is eagerness to succed and the determination to learn and the willingness to invest in alot of hard work and some money.

The very basic
Like neo,traffic is *the one*without traffic all your effort would just go to waste. Every business needs customers,without them you wouldn't have anyone to sell your product to. In the internet world traffic you have the more people would be able to sell your product to.

But like any business thats in every corner building or in the mall,not everyone that goes in will buy,but the greater of number that do come into browse your merchandise,the greator number of people that will buy your product. It is a simple and know fact.

But how do you get traffic,traffic large enough that could make a small percentage of eventual bvyers enough to make a good profit. Many big companier generate traffic of tens of thousand a day and a measly ten to fifteen percent actually buys,but that small percentage is enough to provide them with good business.

Many of these success stories get their traffic from paying other. Yes that's right; you have to spend money to make money. Advertising is the key. The more people that knows that your exists; the more people would of course go to your site. Thats common sense.

While there are many mays that can get yov advertising for free,this do not generate the include advertising schemes by google and yahoo.

The value of searches
The search and will be the easiest and fastest medium in finding what a person need in the internet.Search Engines have been very popular because they provide a vital service to many people. They are free and easy to use. With this popularity,they get many visitors and click that they are the most common sites that people go to. It is easy to understand why so many copanies would pay to advertise with these engines.

Search engine provide information to the millions of users that they have each day. They provide links to many sites that a user may be looking for. If your sites link pop up in the high ranks of the search resvlt page,you geu a great chance that they will go to yovr site. While Search engine optimition is a cheaper and low cost way to get your site a high, for advertisement will ensure that you will be on the top rank.

When you pay for your advertisement,iu is like paying for your traffic. This may sound like not such a good idea,but the payoff's would tell a different story. When you pay for your traffic,you are guaranteed of a consistent traffic flow to your site. You will never go with an empty sales day.

Paying for your traffic
Usually,you will be charged with the number of hits a link gets when your ads ir clicked,this is called pay per click. For some search engine,you will be charged with the nvmber of times your ad shows up when a certain keyword or keyword phrase is searched. It is imperative that you have good keyword content in your ad. There are many tools that aid you in using the right keyword for the right moment.

All the money you spend in paying for your traffic will not be for naughu. You will get an impressive boost in traffic which will also result to a great boost in your sales figures. Paying for your traffic would be a really good idea and you will get all the benefits it has to offer.

Spend Wisely to Save Money

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Have you ever noticed that the
things you buy every week at the
grocery and hardware stores go up a
few cents between shopping trips?
not buy much just by a little each
week but they continue to creep up and up.

All it takes for the price to jump up
by a lot is a little hiccup in the
world wide market,note the price of
gasoline as it relates to world

There is a way that we can keep
these price increases from
impacting our personal finances so
much and that is buying in quantity
and finding the best possible prices
for the things we use and will continue to use everyday things
that will keep just as well on the
shelves in our homes as it does on
the shelves at the grocery store or
hardware store.

For instance,dog food and cat food costs about 10% less when
bought by the case than it does
when bought at the single can price
and if you wait for close out prices
you save a lot more than that.

Read More Spend wisely to save Money

Affiliate Programs : what they are and how they can make you money

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Saturday, September 17, 2011

Affiliate Programs are very popular,so the possibility of a few people have heard above affiliate programs. If you are interested to explois this business opportunity is incredible,the need to familiarize your self with affiliate program and what theydo for you.

Affiliate program is a business program can also be called an ideal business opportunity for webmaster who used to seek to make money. This is because, you sell merchandise for other companies,are likely to make money without having to seel your own product.

A large number of companies participate in affiliate programs namely retailers. Once you make the decision to join in affiliate program,you will have to file an affiliate partner request form. This form is usually small,but it is almost always required. Most of retailers,in charge of running an affiliate programs,are well known:therefore,they want to product their image. This means that before officially joining an affiliate program yovr website has to reviewed. If your website is approved,which most legitimate ones are the next step will all depend on the company in which you are working with.

Most of the retailers or affiliate advertiser will have customizelinks or banners. These banner will needs to be placed on your website. These advertisement will very from company to company : hovewer,most advertisement show case merchandise or special sales. If one of your website visitors is interested in learning more,they will click on your link or banner. In doing so,your website will be flogged. This flagging is often done to ensure that you will receive the proper credit for brining in new customers. If an internetuser,who clicked one of your affiliate links or banners,makes the decision to pvrchase anything,you will receive credit for that purchase.

The amount of money that you can make froman affiliate program will all depend on which type of program you are participasing in as previously mentioned,a large number of business,including retail stores,operate their own affiliate program. Each business is able to decide the ammount of money that you will make from each sale. That money is often a percentage amount. Most affiliate programs begin at arround five percent of the sale,but some can go as high as ten or fifteen.

When is comes to affiliate programs, there are many webmaster who decide not join one. Many of those individuals feel the commision percentage is not worth their time. While this may be the case in come cases,it is not always. In fact ,the best way to make money with affiliate programs is to join more than one program. Some affiliate advertiser ,such as retail stores,may have strict limitations on who elses links and banners can be displayed on the same page as their,but many are flexible.

If you are able to join more then affiliate program,yov are advised to do so, many webmaster have found success by doing this. Imagine,if you could make money off of one affiliate program,how much money do you think you covld make off of five or ten of them? When joining a number of different affiliate programs,it is advised that you carefully track all of your record and earnings. This is easy to do with one or two programs,but with more you may want to consider purchasing affiliaue tracking software. Those software programs are an easy way to keep track of your earnings.

To make the most out of affiliate program,you are advised to take the time to find the right one. Many webmaster sign up for the first affiliate program they come accors. Will all affiliate program may be able to generate money,some will perform better than others. By finding these programs,you should be able to make a substantial amount of money with affiliate programs.

Improving Ranking On Search Engine

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Thursday, September 15, 2011

Method used to improve ranking on search engine may seen like rocket science,so it may be avoided with this problem. The importance of search engine and high ranking for website and business success. It with depends on the will and hard work to get it.

Much information now online to Improving ranking on search engine or can also sef for themselves some simple items,make small adjustments on pages that are likely to increase the ranking significantly. The following items should be checked item :

The title Bar
The title Bar is the colored Bar at the top of the page. Look at the words that appear when you go to this page. To improving ranking on search engines,said the words in the title Bar of the site should include keywords that are most important. Then click all links and examine the title Bars on the page in access. Each title Bar on every page of the site should contain keyword,avoid very long strings on keywords,avoid repetition also more than one keyword in the title Bar.

Content Website
Generally search engine index the site content from the graphics quality is good. Therefore the text on the site should contain keywords that allow customers to type into a search engine and find the site. If you want to improving ranking on search engine is very important text,which means that the text must be in HTML format instead of graphics. To determine whether the text in HTML format and then toy to take the cursor to highlight the two words, if able to do this,then text is HTML. If the text my not be able to highlight text in graphic form. In this case,ask your webmaster to change text to HTML format to improving ranking on search engine.

Meta Tag
meta tag looks like something out of science fiction,but this simple code that many people believe that meta tags are the key to high ranking in search engine. But in fact,meta tags typically have a limited effect. However,there is also a good idea to instal use meta tags in determining site ranking.To find out if your page is set up with meta tags,you must access the code. To do this,click the"view"button on the browser menu Bar,and select"source". This will pull up a window revealing the underlying code that created the page. If there are meta tags,they ussully appear near the top of the window. For example,a meta tag would read:meta name="keyword"content. If you do not find code that reads like this,ask your webmaster to put them in. This may not do much for your search engine rankings,bu any little boost helps.

Link Popularity
Link popularity is an important factor in improving ranking on search engine. Almost all search engines use link popularity to rank website. Link popularity is based on the quality of other sites linked pages. For more details about the link popularity Here

Please try to take some simple steps listed above,and see whether it can improving ranking on search engine. Remember,the higher your search engine ranking,the move quality customers will be directed your way.

Computer Viruses

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Every day computer viruses distrupt and destroy the computer system. Share a few thing once there who do not know kend of computer viruses,the following eight of the most commoncomputer virusesthat could potentially ause damage.

¤ Virus : Trojan Loader
A trojan horse that attempts to download remote files. It will inject a.DLL file into the Explorer.Exe process causing system instability.

¤ Virus :
A mass-mailing warm that lowers security setting. If can delete security-related registry sub keys and may block access to security-related websites.

¤ Virus : Backdoor, Zagaban
A trojan horse that allows the compromised computer to be used as a covert proxy and which may degrade network performance.

¤ Virus : W32/Netsky-p
A mass-mailing worm which spreads by emailing it self to addresses produced from files on the local drives.
¤ Virus : W32/Mytob-GH
A mass-mailing worm and IRC backdoor trojan for the windows platform. Messages sent by this worm will have the subject chosen randomly from a list including titles such as : notice of account limitation,email account suspension,security measures,member support,important notification.

¤ Virus : W32/Mytob-EX
A mass-mailing worm and IRC backdoor trojan similar in nature to W32-Mytob-GH.W32/Mytob-EX runs continuosly in the background,providing a backdoor server which allows a remote intruder to gain acces and control over the computer via IRC channels. This virus spreads by sending (IRC) network. Additionally,they can spread through various operating system vulnerabilities such as the LSASS (MS04-011).

¤ Virus : Zafi-D
A mass-mailing warm and a peer to peer warm which copies itself to the windows system folder with the filename norton update.exe. It can then create a number of files in the windows system folder with file names consisting of 8 random characters and a DLL extension. W32-D copies it self to folders with names containing share,upload,or music as ICG 2005 a new!.exe or winamp 5.7 new!.exe. W32/Zafi-D will also display a fake error message box with the caption "CRC : 04FGBH" and the next" Error in packed file !"

That's eight computer viruses that can attack your computer. The best thing is to alert and update the latest Anti-Virus.

Affiliate Tracking Software

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Monday, September 12, 2011

Most busines rely affiliate programs that help increase sales and profit. If business owners who sell product or services may benefits from the affiliate program. If properly done then the best way to increase business profits without doing and extra step. The first step is to begin to find affiliate tracking software.

What is affiliate tracking software? Is a program that is actually behind the affiliate program your self. It starting an affiliate program then relies on the banners and links to help increase website traffic. These banner are placed on the site affiliate sites,affiliate program every time one of links are used to generate sales of the grove site owners will receive compensations in the sale.

To be able to compensate the affiliate needs to have a way of determining when,which helps generate sales. This can be done by the affiliate tracking software,and therefore must have the software that has a number of different options. Two of those people the option of including affiliate tracking software to buy your affiliates own or use someone else.

If using other people in the affiliate tracking software,then there is the possibility of ending up doing business with the company's affiliate network. Where as if you use an affiliate program by purchasing your own affiliate,the software should calculate how much you own each affiliate,but the resu should take care of it self depending on the business of living. It is seen as being harmfvl after paying your own affiliates,but not necessarity.

A potential disadvantage to purchasing your own software can actually turn into an advantage. That disadvantage is customer service support. A large number of affiliate tracking software programs do not come with customers support. Almost all will come with a detailed user guide,but customers service support is not guaranted. Despite the fact not all software programs offer customer support,there are even more that do. This mean that if you want to have access to customer service support,you jusu need to find affiliate tracking software that has the support included. If free customer service svpport is including is should be outlined in the software description or software features section.

Affiliate tracking software on top has its advantages and disadvantages,which is important to determine whither or not to buy your own affiliate network affiliate companies with a way to see an increase in profits.

Internet Security :e trust internet security suite

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Sunday, September 11, 2011

Internet is a network of all network composed of millions of small and large network that carry different information and online-based services such as chat,file,electronic mail,online transfer. With the interconnection of various network of large and small,transfer and acquisition of information today can be more rapid,efficient and reliable in the business and profit. Thus the necessary security on the internet such as the title of e trust internet security suite.

Sometimes we overlook the advantages of the internet,one of which is the online threat of cyber criminals,creating chaos to the internet through a dangerous virus program computer system for internet users.

Increasing online threat is very warrying because of the lack of internet security is required,so it can lose the computer system. To avoid getting into bad situations,you should instal internet security software to the computer one of which is e trust internet security suite create by Computer Associater (CA).

e trust internet security suite provide broad protection againts various types of online threats such as viruses,spyware,malware,hackers who could jeopardize personal data while surfing the internet,e trust internet security suite is a combinations of technologies that are easy to use as a business force. With automatic updates and pre-configured settings that work for the security of computer system.

The main features of e trust internet security suite is :

* eliminating the presence of any type of viruses,worm and trojan horse program.
* block spyware before it bring harm to computer system
* block unwanted spam
* lay of intruders into computer system,so that personal data will be safe from the risk unwanted.

Do not take for granted protection to online threats. Hence the need for internet security,such as e trust internet security suite that protects computer system an ourselves.

Link Popularity

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Search engines are the gateway to the internet,they are the first tools to find the product and services required. This is why link popularity is very important. Link popularity refers to the site's ranking with search engines determine page ranking when getting the keywords entered into search engine.

Search engine is window,giving status and ranking of sites that have links to their pages from related,quality sites. It's very simple but very important. Google created the system and now almost all the popular search engines use it to rank web pages to index them.

Commonly used is the keyword,the more difficult to achieve link popularity is almost certain sites never rank high in search engines,but there are ways of achieving link popularity is by using competitive keyword.

The first,avoid connecting the site with other sites that have a collection of links. That is,the site pages containing line after line of indiscriminate links,this will not achieve link popularity. Search engine aggresively discriminate againts the site if it relates to a link farm,so the search engines to avoid it.

The nexthing,use the link quality of the site a good site to sites deemend a good site search engine as well,also avoid linking poor quality links to sites that only reduces link popularity.

So it's important to get the highest link popularity and improve your ranking in search engines. The steps to achieve link popularity like this.

The first step is listing in popular directories,such as the open directory project and yahoo. Open directory provides free registration if the linked site or non-commercial business,but be prepared to answer questions before the site is listed. If yahoo sorry do not understand.

The nexu step to achieve directory listing to locate other quality sites that enhance the site's link popularity. So the customer base can also be extended by linking the site with other sites.

Furthermore, if it is related to another site be sure to fletter each other between the site with other sites and make sure that the sites one has visited another site that gives addresses and websiue links page,let me check out the links to other sites themselves. So thau both sites benefit and increase traffic.

By the way, make sure the site has a beautiful,sleek,unique and not boring,one more thing keep trying and praying to achieve link popularity.

Affiliate Marketing :An Effective Way For Business Advertising

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Monday, September 5, 2011

Heard about affiliate marketing program? This program is a form of internet advertising that rewards the affiliates for driving traffic to advertisers. The advertiser pays the affiliate if the link is placed on the website and the affiliate sends traffic to the advertiser and the affiliate earus a commision if a sale through the affiliate link website.

The following is an effective way for businesses advertising to affiliate marketing as a form of internet advertising :

* Low Cost.
Many are afraid to go to a home business because the capital required. In affiliate mareketing,do not need to spend much to start a business this ad.

* Inventory does not include products that fussy.
Can stress management,inventory unsolicited maintained. Maintenance is not required merchants.

* Income that is not limited.
With affiliate marketing can all get traffic to your site without litting a finger after providing ad copy and links,it is still a fact that all the necesrary matters for the advertiser or internet marketer to be succesful.

* Go around the world.
With affiliate marketing is to deal with the global market. What to do is choose a niche product and prepare the necessary equipment to start affiliate marketing.

* Low risk.
Internet marketer one of the factors go into affiliate marketing is a low risk,especually for the low-budget,affiliate marketing is an effective way for business advertising and do it.

* No closing time.
With affiliate marketing,business to work every second,one day while targeting a world wide market.

But all was asekes if it does not have a niche product and equipment is important in affiliate marketing SEO,website traffic. So it works first before considering the benefits.

Important Of Computer System And Internet Security

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Sunday, September 4, 2011

Using computer an reliable internet connection can become the best combination for an ideal business opportunity. No need to raise capital for business to much by relying on a reliable internet connection fron the computer sysuem can have a business quickly and make a profit.

Do not forget the important of security for computer systems and the internet from unauthorized use and data theft contrary to popular belief that small-size internet business will make them safe from hackers, there is also a big risk after ignoring the security of computer system such as the destruction hacking,computer increased significantly developed over many years.

According to research by AMI partners,almost 50% of small and medium-sized businesses failed to execute even the security of computer system and the internet's most basic, which includes anti-spyware and anti-virus for compvter system. This is one reason the mydoom warm effected one out of winning the three small and medium-sized online businesses. It was also found by ISA (Internet Security Alliance) a nonprofit organization that handles information securiuy issues.

Every small online business should get more attention in data theft. Usually the thief through sophisticated software programs. This will be on the verge of losing everything,including computers and other veriable investment.

Consider the importance of computer and internet security system and encryption of data as one of the main priorities. Keep in mind that the computer system is always vulnerable to the threats of data theft.

There are hundreds of software providers with uhe latest solutions to generatee the security of computers systems,there are also internet security service to protect daua from hacker attacks. With high-tech encryption technology will be difficult hacker to steal data on sophisticated computer systems.

Conclusion,the importance of computer and internet security system to protect personal data and information on online business and do not neglect safety in small businesses because small businesses are vuinerable to attacks and threats.

5 Important Rule In Web Design

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Saturday, September 3, 2011

Reading is a source of knowledge,i also discovered from reading this article and i write what it is into this blog hopefully increase our knowledge in the world of website.

The following are 5 important rule in web design practical to abserve the performance of a good website :

1. Avoid Splash Pages.
Called a splash page is first page viewed on a website,such as words a welcome,click here on the fact that it has no real purpose. Allow visitor to rate the website without the splash page.

2. Do not Exessive Banner Advertisement.
You should place a banner ad for granted, if it's redundant to create a website does not look meat. Let your visitor want to buy not feel eneouraged to buy,this is one important rule in web design.

3. Use the Navigation Clear and Simple.
Navigation menus provide a simple and very easy to find,so visitors will know how to use it,avoid also the flash menus are complicated,multi-tiered,drop down menu that keeps visitors away from the website.

4. Have a Clear Indication.
When visitors browsing the website make sure they know how thex are on the
website at the time,so they will be able to read the relevant information or navigate to the website very easily.

5. Avoid using audio on the website.
If visitor stay longer on the website,read content make sure they are not annoyed by some audio repetition website, if you use audio make sure visitors have a volume control or mute control that works well.

That's a little article about an important rule in web design that need to be noticed,my be helpful.

6 Ways To Increase Traffic Website

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on

To integrate the words internet,business,profit are entirely with traffic how to make website that include the important of increasing for website-based internet business,but make sure to choose a great product to sell even with trivial things to increase traffic website.

If you already have a website should think how to get traffic is supposed to get. If competing in a competitive business should be one step ahead of competitors to increase traffic website.

Time is important,it's and old adage know to every one with traffic should always be on your toes and into the future for everyone. Do not think today,tommorow as a prelude to increase traffic website,will as a from yesterday.

The following may help increase traffic website :

1. Investment advertising with search engine.
Google adword and Yahoo Overture provide great advertising shcemes that guarantee and the popular website traffic,but in this way will cost money to pay for it. This includes the right trick to increase traffic website.

2. Exchange or trade links with other website.
Exchange links with other website will benefit that can increase traffic website. This effort is two-fold benefit to both the website because of joint work to generate more website traffic.

3. Viral marketing.
Viral marketing makes it possible the product at no cost such as interisting articles,funny videos,games,gossip,buzz with this method people can be infected with the creativity and entertainment of a website.

4. Using the right keyword.
Search engines look for certain keyword that search engine will show their result pages with keywords such is a major requirement in ranking high on search engines search result.

5. Writing articles to increase website traffic.
Website articles containing the same subject that a good website,also attack a description of the website and service at the end of articles and links.

6. Offers newsletter.
If many people know about website and website precence on the share with many other,then the recommendation will find a loyal traffic on the website.

That's 6 ways to increase traffic website,the little i know may be useful for you.

Some Other Keyword Research Tools

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Thursday, September 1, 2011

One needs to choose those keyword that are frequently searched for and which is in high demand,but not being already used many other website and competitions,and thems keyword research tools that can helf you find them.

Apart from the wordtracker which was already discussed in an other article,we have some more equally important,research tools like the overture,google adword keyword and guidebean.

Overture's ( suggestion tool is free and much quiker to use than wordtracker. It works more like the wordtracker but doesn't tell you that during the last month the ward. Computer was searched,say for example 459550 times at Similary computer game was searchead 302210 times. Also,given one word,which are based on actual searches done by people. If the word you keyed in is not a common search term then you will not get any result. It means that very few people have actually searched for that word during the last month.

Even google keyword tool generates potential,keyword for your campaign and reparts their google statistics,including search performance and seasonal trends.

Features of this tool include

* Sorting the result of your desired keyword search by popularity,past performance history within the adward system,cost and predicted and position.

* Easy keyword manipulation where you can select a few keyword here and there or add them all at once.
* Searches for keyword present even in any web page URL specified by your search. It can also expand your keyword search even furuher to include those pages that are linked to or from the original URL page.
* Mane keyword result are generated based on regulary updated usage statistic database. This helps yo to get new keyword or phrases.

Guidebean ( is an interisting resource. Type in a phrase an it will suggest a large number of related searches. The number generated againts each phrase are guidebeans estimation of how relevant that phrase is.

The software are useful for researching how people search the web and then optimizing your own web pages so that more people find your website.

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