
Verizon Internet Security Suite: The Protect Software to Protect your Computer

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Sunday, November 27, 2011

The internet has allowed people to travel the world through electronic networks and communication satelities. It has made the world a smaller place.

The internet also allowed people to start new businesses,and it also allowed easier ways of living. besides,by using the internet,you can now go shopping or purchase your groceries. This is why more and more people are now using the internet to conduct transaction. Not only that the internet provides a very cheap from of communication,but it can also be used to trasact businesses.

However,the internet also has its dark side. This is the side where you can find hackers,computer viruses,spyware,adware,and other malicious sofware that can invade your computer.

Computer viruses and other malicious software are designed to destroy your computer files. Other kinds of software will hide itself in your computer and spy on the activities you use the computer. It can even record every bit of detail,such as every key you press on your keyboard and every click of your mouse and send it to the person who designed the program.

The keys you type could be anything. It can be your short story novel,it can be your school project,it can be your take home work,or it can be your credit card number,password and other financialinformation you typed to purchase product over the internet. This information can be used by someone to steal from you.They can use this commit identity theft.

With this information,they can clean out your bank account and will cause you to lose a lot of money.

All of these can be acquired through the use of the internet. So,you now ask how you can prevent this from happening to you. You can always consider that you should stop using the internet to make purchase but this can prove to be very inconvenient. So,the best thing yuo should do is installprograms that can prevwnt these malicious software from entering or invading your computer.

Internet security programs are getting more and more popular each day because of the growing threat of malicious softwares circulating the internet on a daily basis. However,because of the different kinds of internet security software available,people get confused on which one to purchase and use.

One of the best internet security software available is the verswion internet security suite. This software will help keep your PC,financial and personal information,and your family from viruses,spyware,and other froms of attacks in the internet.

verizon internet security suite is one of the most popular internet security software exiting today. It has features that will sufficiently and effectively prevent any malicious sotware and other attacks from the internet from entering your computer.

Verizon internet security suite has all sorts of protection that can effectively protect your computer from being attacked. Here are the features integrated in the verizon internet security suite :

=> Antivirus
=> Firewall
=> Parental Control
=> Spyware protection

With these key features,you know that with verizon internet security suite your computer,yourself and your family is protected from internet attacks.

How to Care For LCD Let Laptop Durable And Long Lasting

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Laptop LCD is one of the laptop component are quite expensive price in the event replacement due to damage. Damage to the laptop LCD is indeed caused by many factors,could be due to inherited factors from the factory or the use of human factors in the treatment and how to care for the laptop's own LCD

Based on experience damage because laptop by VGA LCD module is less good in quality. VGA module is ccmposed by the VGA chipset,flexible cables,flexible connector to the mainboard and on inverter. this is a laptop LCD damage caused by congenital factors from the factory of manufacture

Another factor causing damage to the laptop LCD is due to the use and how to care for the less correct laptop LCD. Laptop are not the same as a desktop PC more powerful and lasting when we turn it on all day. The longer the laptop is turned on will cause excessive heat inside the laptop itself althought there has been cooling fasilities inside the laptop itself.This is caused by on empty space that is narrower when compared with ordinary desktop PC. Heat on a laptop is what causes damage to the laptop,which one of them is faulty laptops LCDs
How To Care For LCD lets laptops durable and long lasting??

a. Clean the LCD laptop periodically by using special LCD cleaning fluid the laptop.

b. Do not use the laptop more than 3 consecutive hours,turn off about 10 minutes,then you could revive the laptop you.

c. For use in time coolingpad longer use the namely the quality coolingpad using the adapter itself,instead of taking from the USB the laptop.

d. Use the contras and brightness being on the LCD settings the laptop.

e. Adjust the time off when the laptop LCD not used in the power menu option windows.

f. Opening and closing the laptop LCD correctly with holding it from both sides either side,not from above,because at the top of the existing block who vulnerable to damage.

Similarly,articles about how to care for laptop LCD let durable and long lasting.

Tips On Caring For a Computer With a Good

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Saturday, November 19, 2011

1. Clean the components computer of the dust periodically. Open your computer case. But before,make sure there is no liquid and magnetic objects nearby. Look,whether device filled there in dust? If so, direct clean dust with use a soft brush small/medium. Make sure that the RAM,video card,modems,sound card,TV tuner,fan,and a computer motherboard you are clean of dust. Avoid laying the computer from a room full of dust and exposed to sunlight directly,because it can overheating occurs. Place your computer in a cool or air-conditioned room. Then do not forget to close monitor,keyboard,and mouse your computer with the cover to avoid dust.

2. Empty the recycle Bin regulary. If you delete a file,then the deleted file will go to the recycle Bin first,so that next time we need this file we can still pick it up again. Hovewer,the files in the Recycle Bin still take space from your hard disk. In addition too many files in the Recycle bin will make our computers become slower. Well,we could empty the contents of the Recycle Bin to free up unused space. To do this,click the Recycle Bin -> file -> empty recycle bin. We can also delete files without entering the file to Recycle Bin the way is by pressing the sift + delete. Besides using the Recycle Bin we can also use the windows built facility called Disk CleanUp. How go to Start ->All program -> accesories -> System tools -> Disk CleanUP. After that, select the drive you want to clean. So we can see the total memory that can be cleaned. Ceck the boxes on the options that you want to delete,then click OK.

3. Cover all the programs are not to apply. More and more programs running,the computer will become slow performance. In the end,this will cut our computer age. We can also check your computer performance by running a variety of heavy program,then run the Task manager and click the performance tab and see the performance of the CPU usage and PF usage. The more serious the program is running,then the CPU usage and PF usage will be more.

4. Install an Antivirus Program. Viruses are annoying,sometimes even viruses make us have to reinstal the computer. This course will take a lot of time and can even shorten the life of your hard disk. Fortunately,the virus can be overcome obstinacy with an antivirus program. Therefore,the install was the antivirus program on your computer and update the program with a routine to prevent the spread of new viruses.

5. Use the stabilizer or UPS. UPS serves to give us a little time when a sudden power failure,as soon as possible so that we can close the running programs,save document and turn off the computer. If there is no UPS,use and downs of electricity. Electricity is not stable can shorten the life our computer.

6. Run a screensaver. CRT monitors use phisphors to display the picture. If the CRT monitor displaying the same image for a while,then phosphorus will burn continuosly. This can lead to problems on the monitor,which makes the picture becomes dim/less clear. Therefore,turn on the screensaver. Another case when our computer monitors are LCD type monitor,because the LED-is already equipped saving energy,the screensaver is not needed anymore.

7. Do a defragment. Defragment function is to compile the files back so that when doing the read/write,hard disk workload will bs lighter. When running this function,there should be no programs running,because it would disrupt the defragment process,even if it's just a screensaver. Defragment also should not be done too often,because when compiling the file,the file can erode your hard disk.

my be useful...

Pc-cillin Internet security :Trusted by Million Wordwide for Protection

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In today's modern society,more and more people are now using the internet for cheaper communication,for shopping and also for business. Many people are now taking advantage of the internet technology to transact business. Some even considered using the internet to pay for their bills.

Because of this,life is easier. By having the ability to shop for your groceries in the internet,you no longer have to actually go to the supermarket to purchase the goods you need. You can easily shop for you groceries online and pay for it by using your credit card.

There are so many conveniences that the internet can bring to your life. However,because more and more people are now using the internet for financial transaction,there are also some people who would take advantage of the internet to steal from you.

These people are called hackers. They are the new breed of criminals that will take advantage of the internet to steal from other people for personal gains. They develop programs or software that is circulating in the internet today and eventually enter someones computer without the person who owns the computer knowing about it.

The software canbe anything. It can be viruses,it can be spyware,it can be adware,and it can even be trojans and worms. All these kinds of malicious software are programmed to destroy your computer or act as a surveillance device inside your PC.

It is a fact that many people have been victimized by these different kinds of malicious software. Surfing the internet may also mean getting malicious software in your PC. In fact,it is very easy to get these software installed in your computer. You might download files that may contain malicious software. Once you did,it will automatically work to steal information from your computer or destroy your irrepplaceable files.

This is why you need to protect yourself by installing internet security software in your computer. one effective and trusted name in internet security is called Pc-cillin internet security. Pc-cillin is developed by trend micro enterprises and is one of the most used internet security software in the world.

The latest version of Pc-cillin offers a wide range of internet security and protectoin from different malicious software circulation the internet today. here are the following features offered by Pc-cillin to protect you and your computer from the malicious software in the internet :

=> Antivirus security - Pc-cillin internet security is integrated with a powerful antivirus software that is able to detect viruses before it can even invade yuor PC. It will remove viruses or clean your infected files. Pc-cillin antivirus security will scan downloads from the internet,scan incoming files from another computer and will also scan files inside a removable media. It will also automatically update its virus definiton through the internet to keep the antivirus popping out in the internet on a daily basis.

=> Spyware protection-Pc-cillin will block malicious software from entering your computer,such as spyware,adware,grayware,and root kits. Pc-cillin will prevent identity thieves to spy on your computer and obtain any personal or financial information that your PC may contain.

+> TrendSecure-Pc-cillin internet security software is also integrated with transaction Guard that will protect your online trasacttions.

=> Personal Firewall-This feature will intercept any hackers and computer viruses that may attempt to enter your computer.

=> Advanced Parental Control-This particular tool will manage your childrens internet usage. It will block any websites that contains inappropriate content,such as pornography and violence.

These are just some of the features that Pc-cillin internet security offers. There are a lot more benefits that you can take advantage of in order to protect yourself from other people and malicious software that may try and use the internet to steal from you or destroy your computer.

Steps If The Phone Into The Water

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on

Hp is a thing which is required for various purposes in the work day today and the family. But what if current hp need it right away,but you do not accidentally drop your hp into the water. Well here are the steps that should be done if the hp in the water :

a. If your phone is submerged,remove the phone from the water as soon as possible to prevent the component parts of the contaminated water. In some eases,the phone casing is tight enough to prevent water seepage. hovewer this will only last for a few tens of seconds.

b. immediantely remove the battery from the phone. Cut off the flow of resources is essential to minimize possible damage to your phone. Some electronic circuits could otherwise survive in the wet state,if not connected with resources.

c. immediantely remove the card also your SIM to prevent posible damage or loss of data. You certainly do not phonebook or SMS to and important you disappeared. Let your SIM card until it is completely dry before you check on his condition.

d. Dry the phone until it completely dry. Use a cloth that can absorb water. If there is,also use aka hair dryer. Make sure your cell phone do not get too hot,do not also put it in the microwave. Phones that are too hot can cause to explode.

e. The test condition of your phone after it is completely dry, If the phone crashed,check whether your phone or battery is damaged,using backup battery. If only the battery is damaged,you just buy a new one.

f. If all these steps you have done but phone still damaged,what may make you seem to have to rely on mobioe phone service technician.

May be useful and thank you for your visiting this blog.

Analyze damage Laptop

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Analyzing the damage to the laptop requires foresight and patience. Do not rush to decide before making a check the overal condition your laptop. here is some damage to the laptop that often occur :

Deaad or Power Failure

For the case of death that you should check first is your laptop batery. The possibility of your laptop batery runs out completelly. Try to recharge and wait for approximately 1/2 year hours. Another cause is the laptop adapter is not functioning. You can check the indicator light illuminates when charger in laptop adapter laptop in love. If the indicator light does not glow,there is the possibility of a faulty adapter or power connector board boarding laptop is damaged or defective. Another possibility board laptop,causing the total dead laptop at all.

Power light the flame but the LCD screen does not display images.

please check installing an external monitor on the VGA port on your laptop. Then turn on your laptop,if the laptop is still dead the possibility of damage is VGA,processor,mainboard,the BIOS IC or RAM, a dirty or damaged. Try to do check of the by one. And if an external monitor live and show images with normal,possible damage in LCD inverters,LCD flexible cable,or LCD monitor. If damage on the LCD screen,then you must replace the LCD screen,because the LCD screen does not can be fixed.

Laptop cooling problems.

Common problems that often faced by laptop users is heat problems,however heat is the main enemy of laptops,nearly 75% of damage laptop due to overheathing. especially in the casing laptop is almost no space empty all filled with the components. The problem that often appeared this section is blockage of the channel on the heatsink for heat dissipation obscured by dust. this is cause heat should be reissued entered into the laptop. as a result temperature inside the laptop up from the allowed. this can cause over heating in VGA chip,processor,and component another laptop mainboard.

ports and connectors power problems.

This problem is also common. This is caused by the breakdown solder in the connector or port. breakdown solder caused by heat and age of the laptop itself. The solution is to do re-solder on the part of solder developing cracks.

End of the article my be useful

Characteristic Feature of Damage to The Hardware on Your Laptop/notebook

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Monday, November 7, 2011

After yesterday talking about how to extend the life of my laptop is now a little about the knowledge of the charecteristic of damage to the hardware on your laptop/notebook see below :

-Damage-feature LCD laptop/notebook :

The screen does not show the picture,but it turns out the vertical lines,block appears black,and images not symmetric/random. Solution :try to check the connector first sockets or related to the monitor.

-Damage-feature Keyboard laptop/notebook :

Some keys do not work,out a long beep when laptop is powered on,the cursor goes unstable/moving yourself. The damage is more severe : this is usually a short-circuit and cause the laptop/notebook after booting,restart-restart continued.
-Characteristic Damage Memory laptop/notebook :

On when power is not visible view at screen at the start of loading operation system. Can also exit the beep sound repeatedly.

-Damage characteristic motherboard/IC regulator laptop/notebook :

turned a bit difficult.the batteries are not willing to discharge,the dead total. Flame charger indicator,after dicarge indicator light on the charger off (short-circuit). So there reverse flow on the power. This damage often occurs.

-Damage characteristic charger laptop/notebook:

Batteries do not want in charge,no incoming power indicator,charge laptops in a position to live and dieinstied. Vibrating screen is not stable.

-Characteristic damage DVD/CD room laptop/notebook :

do not want to read the CD,the indicator CD off.

-Damage characteristic notebook laptop/notebook :

data loading/system is slow,sound is not normal,can not yet logged restart itself.

-damage characteristic chipset/VGA laptop/notebook :

The screen does not appear,even if it appears not want access to the bios. There is beep sound is irregular.

That's a bit of damage characteristics that often occur on a laptop/notebook hardware

20 Ways to Treat and Extend The Life of a Laptop

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Friday, November 4, 2011

If you have a laptop you would like your laptop can be used in a long time. Here is how to maintain and extend the age of the laptop :

1. Keep your laptop from strong magnetic field, liquid fuel and heat source/cold or extreme temperature changes.

2. Avoid direct sunlight and make sure the laptop is always placed on a flat surface.

3. According to the survey,the most common laptop damage occurred on the hard drive and LCD display/screen. Hard drive damage caused by collision or fall. LCD damage is usually because exposure to sunlight an physical pressure.

4. Spruse adapter cables or other cables which are connected with laptops,not to make other tripped.

5. In addition to damage the hard drive and LCD,liquid spills is the cause the most common damage to the laptop,or use a sheet of transparent film called keyboard protector.

6. Vibration is the enemy of the other laptop. Keep your laptop from the speaker sound,such as loudspeaker,engine/vehicle weight,and other vibration sources.

7. Do not expose your laptop from x-ray beam at the airport.

8. Keep your laptop clean,wipe with a clean cloth to dust free.

9. protect your laptop modem . use a modem that has a feature-line digital guard. because of this feature will keep the modem from damage if accindentally plugging in the cable modem to a digital phone jack PABX or ISDN lines. and be careful when going plug the telephone cord into metal wire in a laptop because the laptop modem connector very thin and easily crooked.

10. In asia the climate,humid temperatures can be amajor problem for laptop designed in the United States. To reduce the possibility of a problem,make sure rhe laptop is stored in a dry a cool. If the laptop is not used for a long time,keep the laptop in a container the meeting and enter the silica gel. Silica gel is as contained in medicine botles,packaging electronic (small packets marked silica dessicant gel). Or it could be bought in a store chemicals. Silica gel is who are chemicals is hygroscopyc (absorbs moisture/humidity).

11. power outages and voltage disturbances can occur at any time,at home,in hotel rooms or in the office. If possible,use the surge-protector if you are using an AC outlet. And do not forget to make back-up data regurally.

12. always use a laptop bag while traveling.

13. if you want to wrap laptop to be sent or for other purposes,use a strong protective box,and wrap it with foam or sponge that can absorb vibration.

14. Never place heavy objects on top of the laptop.

15. if the laptop is problematic,do not attempt to dissasemble itself. Should submit to a technician or service-center nearby. because maybe the damage will be even heavier. Especially for a laptop that is still under warranty-dissasemble the laptop can damage the sticker warranty (warranty seal) that is still attached to the laptop.

16. When will lift laptops that are currently open. Do not lift while held at the display/screen,lift the bottom/keyboard.

17. Do not includ diskette in the corner. Insert a floppy half-half could damage the disk-the drive. likewise,when open or close the drive tray CD-ROM/DVD-ROM to enter or eject the disc. do not touch the lens on the tray CD-ROM. Hold compact-disc at the edges,not on the surface the disc.

18. do not plug laptop modem cable on the PBX (private branch exchange) or Digital phone lines. Laptop can only use channel PSTN (public-switched telephone network0 the use of phone line other than PSTN can damage laptop modem.

19. Keep your laptop from children small.

20. take care of laptop batteries,not to leak due to can damage the battery slot.

All these article how to care for and prolong the life of the laptop...hopefully useful and thanks for visiting this blog.

Norton Internet Security :The Trusted Name In Internet Security Software

Posted by BLOGGER MARS on Thursday, November 3, 2011

Are you looking for the perfect internet security software for your computer? Are you looking for the internet security software with all the things you need to secure your computer from hackers,viruses,and other malicious programs circulating the internet today??

If you are,then the Norton Internet Security Software should be your choice. This particular software will help you prevent malicious program and cyber criminals from ever entering your computer and if there are any malicious programs that have entered your computer,the Norton Internet Security Software with hunt them down for you and delete them from your computer.

In todays world,you have to consider the fact that there are certain people or criminals that are using the internet to steal from other people. They use the internet to get the personal and financial information ofother people and commit identity fraud by using this information,anyone who goes online is vulnerable to be attacked by these people either by harassment or by hacking into other people's computer.

norton can prevent this from happening to you. With their latest internet security software,you will be able to prevent hacking and computer viruses from ever entering your computer again. Norton Internet Security Software is integrated with a lot of security programs that will help in preventing different kinds of malicious programs from entering your computer.

The Norton Internet Security Software is integrated with all the different kinds of programs to sufficietly protect you and your computer from being attacked by hackers or cyber criminals by preventing them from accessing your computer through hacking or through malicious software.

Norton Internet Security provides one of the most comprehensive security sotfware that you can benefit from. Here are the different kinds of software included in the Norton Internet Security :

=> Antivirus-This particular program will scan your computer for any existing viruses that may have entered your computer. Norton Antivirus can also scan email attachments,Instant Messenger Attachment and even websites that may contain viruses.

=> firewall-This particular program included in Norton Internet Security software will hrlp yuo prevent hackersfrom accessing your computer and will also prevent network viruses from entering your computer. tjis is considered as your computers first line of defense against hackers and network viruses.

=> Anti Spyware/Adware-Spyware and Adware are very dangerous programs that can enter your computer without you knowing about it. It's programming is entirely different from computer viruses and therefore,cannot be traced by any Antivirus software available. Norton Anti Spyware /Adware programs are able to detect any spyware or adware that may axist in your computer and automatically deletes them.

=> Anti Spam-Phishing emails and spam emails can prove to be very dangerous and very annoying. Norton Anti Spam features will be able to protect you from known phishing emails and spam emails.

=> parental control-This program integrated in Norton Internet Security software can be used to regulate and monitor your childs internet activity. This will block out any websites that may contain pornography and violence.

With all these features that a Norton Internet Security Software offers,you can be sure that surfing the internet will be safer for all your family. It will protect you and your family from malicious software and hackers that may access your computer. So, if you need an effective internet security software,Norton should be your choice.

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